Restored Mama - Boundaries, Burnout, Marriage, Motherhood, Biblical Mindset, Overwhelmed, Anxiety, Depression, Priorities
Take a God centered approach to marriage and motherhood. Find freedom and joy in your life the way God intended and live a fulfilled life! Are you depressed? Filled with anxiety? Stressed and overwhelmed...dealing with overwhelm that seems to never end...Mom life can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be! Learn to find joy in your home and be the mom and wife you were called to be! Are you sick of always feeling overwhelmed in your motherhood? Does it feel like you are just trying to survive day to day until you put your kids to bed? Then connecting with your husband...forget about it! You are just way too tired and irritated to even try. Go from overwhelmed with no time to becoming the mindful mama you dream of. As you listen to Restored Mama, you are going to learn habits to bring ease in your day and find God centered prioritizations so you can go to bed feeling accomplished and loving life again! You will find solutions to bring peace and joy back to what may feel like chaos. It is my mission to help you find joy and fulfillment in your daily life as a mom, wife, and child of God. You can wake up refreshed and excited for each day without feeling drained and stretched thin. It is possible! When God speaks of restoration, it is always in abundance, and when restored, it is better than how it started. God promised us a better life and a better future for us and our families. Learn to live life how God intended from the start. Find out who He has created you to be, and thrive in your calling! Find that passion ignited in your marriage that you thought was over, and find fulfillment in your motherhood instead of frustration. I’m Jen. A wife, mom, and child of God. I spent six years as a single mom, then married, became a step mom blending our families. I struggled to keep my sanity and I looked to everything and everyone else to avoid the feeling of failure and uncertainty. God showed me there was a better way to live. Using structure, organization, and restoring my mind while putting Christ at the center, I was able to bring joy and peace into my home and family. Restoration is possible for you too, Mama! Wherever you are starting from, if you are ready to find joy, freedom, and your sanity once again (or for the first time ever) along with getting back to the root of who God created you to be, this podcast is for you! Find laughter and fun to replace the stress and frustration with your kiddos as you join me for real mom talk. So warm up that cold coffee and kick up your feet! You deserve a break! Community = Connect = Website = Restored Mama Method =
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Hey Mama!
Do you know what God has called you to do, or have an idea of what it is, but feel unqualified, unprepared, and lacking in the skills needed to accomplish that? Or maybe you don’t know what you are called to do, but you wake up everyday feeling unqualified to do anything more because of what happened to you or choices you made in the past. Well guess what, God says you ARE qualified, and you do have all the tools you need to accomplish the amazing things you are called to do!
My past choices, my past mistakes, my past bad decisions, and my past that happened to me that was not my fault, or was my fault, it does not unqualify me. All of that, all of the junk, all of the things that I could sit and be embarrassed about, that I could be ashamed of, It’s what God used to get me here.
God can use every bad decision, every poor choice, and every mistake, everything that happened that wasn’t your fault, He uses it all. It’s what actually makes you qualified for what He has called you to do. God has already qualified you. You just don’t see it through the lens of mistakes.
God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. You are called!
Let God take over, mama. He's all you need!
Related Episodes:
Are you Struggling, Living an Unfulfilled Life? Shift Your Perspective and Find Joy and Excitement Again
Exhausted? Feel Depleted? Unfulfilled? Life Can be so Much Better! 2 Tips to Live a Fulfilling Life
To The Mom That Feels Inadequate, Alone, and Isolated. You Are Enough!
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Stef Gass and her amazing business things for mamas with a business!
Clarify Your Calling
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Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Hey Mama!
If you listened to episode 32, you have heard why praying for your kids is so important and some prayers that you can start praying over them. Today, I want you to hear from a praying mama. My mom!
She prayed for me from when she was pregnant with me and still continues to pray for me even though I am grown with my own kids. Praying for your kids is the most important job as a mom. It’s up to us to stand in the gap and pray and intercede for our kids in every area of their life.
It's because of my mom's prayers I am where I am today. Her prayers saved me from literal death. Hear what she prayed, how God led her for specific prayers, and a bit of my testimony mixed in there!
Related Episodes:
Do You Pray For Your Kids? 5 Prayers For You to Pray Over Your Kids and Their Future
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Get your voice featured on Restored Mama and have a question answered on air!: SpeakPipe
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Interested in Taking Cara Babies so you and your baby can finally get some sleep? Check it out here!
Stef Gass and her amazing business things for mamas with a business!
Clarify Your Calling
Podcast Pro University
Podcast to Profit
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Hey Mama!
Time management is rarely something that comes naturally. I had to work to get to the point I am at today, and I still have days that I go to bed thinking oh man, I could have done better today, but that’s ok, I’ll do better tomorrow.
People are constantly asking me how I do it all, it’s my time management, my routines, my systems, but that’s not all. It’s how I do it, but it’s not the main way I do it all. It’s just a small portion of it. I know that may sound a bit confusing…So how do I do it all? Stay tuned to hear all about it!
I'm bringing three tips for you to get out of that state of overwhelm, exhaustion, depletion, fear, anxiety, depression and to break free from all of that!
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Get your voice featured on Restored Mama and have a question answered on air!: SpeakPipe
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Interested in Taking Cara Babies so you and your baby can finally get some sleep? Check it out here!
Stef Gass and her amazing business things for mamas with a business!
Clarify Your Calling
Podcast Pro University
Podcast to Profit
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Hey Mama!
Is your world rocked by a difficult diagnosis in your family?
Andrea Jones joined me to talk about her experience and bring her amazing wisdom to raising a child with special needs, how it has impacted her family, and how she has been able to function spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
Even if you don't have a child with special needs, you can learn some wonderful tips to help you thrive in a difficult season.
Check out Andrea at and listen to her podcast here!
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Get your voice featured on Restored Mama and have a question answered on air!: SpeakPipe
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Interested in Taking Cara Babies so you and your baby can finally get some sleep? Check it out here!
Stef Gass and her amazing business things for mamas with a business!
Clarify Your Calling
Podcast Pro University
Podcast to Profit
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Hey Mama!
I talked a lot about shifting your perspective last week. It’s crucial to look at where you are now and see the situation from God’s point of view. To see yourself from His point of view. He has a plan for your life, He was intentional in your creation. He didn’t make a mistake. Look at your life now and ask yourself, what does God see?
We have talked through marriage, purpose and God’s calling, motherhood, anxiety, depression, losing yourself as a mom, there are a lot of things we have just touched the surface of. You are a mom. That is the best purpose you could ever have.
God has given us all gifts, talents, abilities, and spiritual giftings to make a difference in this world. If you are feeling unfulfilled in your life, it’s probably because you aren’t living out the calling God has placed on your life and just living day to day trying to just get through it all.
When you have this ache inside of you, God is telling you that there is more you are called to do. But it all starts with one simple thing. Well, actually two. It takes you continually trusting God in every circumstance, but the thing we are delving into today… is perspective.
Shift your perspective and find the joy, and excitement in life!
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Get your voice featured on Restored Mama and have a question answered on air!: SpeakPipe
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Interested in Taking Cara Babies so you and your baby can finally get some sleep? Check it out here!
Stef Gass and her amazing business things for mamas with a business!
Clarify Your Calling
Podcast Pro University
Podcast to Profit
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Hey Mama!
Part 2 in this weeks two part series!
To the mom that feels exhausted and depleted because she's living day to day not actually living out the purpose that God has put her on this earth for other than being a mom. Being a mom is the best purpose that God could give anyone, but there is more. There is more to your purpose here on earth than being a mom.
God has called you to go into all the world and preach the gospel, whether that means in your neighborhood, through your church, in your family, it doesn’t have to be going to another country, that is what we are called to do!
When you feel so depleted and exhausted and worn out, waking up not wanting to do the normal daily tasks, when you wake up feeling depleted before the day has even begun, one reason is because you aren’t living out the purpose God has called you to do. It’s because you aren’t excited to do life because you aren’t fulfilling the calling on your life.
You aren’t operating in the gifts God has given you, and you aren’t fulfilled doing basic tasks. You are called to more and you aren’t living that more you are called to, so it isn’t a fulfilling life. How can you live a fulfilling life? We are going to be walking through that this week!
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Get your voice featured on Restored Mama and have a question answered on air!: SpeakPipe
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Stef Gass and her amazing business things for mamas with a business!
Clarify Your Calling
Podcast Pro University
Podcast to Profit
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Hey Mama!
To the mom that feels exhausted and depleted because she's living day to day not actually living out the purpose that God has put her on this earth for other than being a mom. Being a mom is the best purpose that God could give anyone, but there is more. There is more to your purpose here on earth than being a mom.
God has called you to go into all the world and preach the gospel, whether that means in your neighborhood, through your church, in your family, it doesn’t have to be going to another country, that is what we are called to do!
When you feel so depleted and exhausted and worn out, waking up not wanting to do the normal daily tasks, when you wake up feeling depleted before the day has even begun, one reason is because you aren’t living out the purpose God has called you to do. It’s because you aren’t excited to do life because you aren’t fulfilling the calling on your life.
You aren’t operating in the gifts God has given you, and you aren’t fulfilled doing basic tasks. You are called to more and you aren’t living that more you are called to, so it isn’t a fulfilling life. How can you live a fulfilling life? We are going to be walking through that this week!
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Get your voice featured on Restored Mama and have a question answered on air!: SpeakPipe
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Interested in Taking Cara Babies so you and your baby can finally get some sleep? Check it out here!
Stef Gass and her amazing business things for mamas with a business!
Clarify Your Calling
Podcast Pro University
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Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Hey Mama!
Is your marriage what you dream of it being? Maybe you are struggling, wondering if your marriage is going to make it through this season. Or maybe you are just living each day wondering if this is all there is to your marriage.
Our marriages are worth fighting for and our greatest weapon of warfare is on our knees in prayer! It's time to fight for what God gave you and the calling He has on your marriage!
Make sure you listen until the end for a prayer from my husband and I to you.
Restored Mama is focused on helping moms, but over the next couple weeks, these episodes are for both husbands and wives. So wives out there that are listening, share this episode with your husband, it will benefit you both! The next two weeks are marriage weeks! So don’t tune out, get your spouse to listen to it, and lets work on strengthening that marriage!
Related Episodes:
Marriage Struggles or Striving For Something More in Your Partnership? The Main Thing You Both Need to do to Build a Strong Marriage
Is Your Marriage Struggling or Are You Working Together to Live Out God’s Calling For Your Family? Build a Strong Marriage and Work in the Partnership God Created Marriage to be
Grow Your Marriage and Connect the Way God Intended with These 3 Tips!
Feel Disconnected From Your Spouse? Do This One Thing and Connect With Your Spouse On a Deeper Level
Next Steps:
Get your voice featured on Restored Mama and have a question answered on air!: SpeakPipe
Restored Mama Method Program: Restored Mama Method
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Interested in Taking Cara Babies so you and your baby can finally get some sleep? Check it out here!
Stef Gass and her amazing business things for mamas with a business!
Clarify Your Calling
Podcast Pro University
Podcast to Profit
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Hey Mama!
Men, want more attention and appreciation from your wives? Wives, need more affection and effort from your husbands? This one thing can help you get there! Johnny and I break down how to grow a stronger connection with your spouse! Today is gonna be good!
Is your marriage what you dream of it being? Maybe you are struggling, wondering if your marriage is going to make it through this season. Or maybe you are just living each day wondering if this is all there is to your marriage.
Putting your spouse first isn’t always easy. But if you make an effort to do this, your relationship will grow in ways you never dreamed!
Restored Mama is focused on helping moms, but over the next couple weeks, these episodes are for both husbands and wives. So wives out there that are listening, share this episode with your husband, it will benefit you both! The next two weeks are marriage weeks! So don’t tune out, get your spouse to listen to it, and lets work on strengthening that marriage!
Related Episodes:
Marriage Struggles or Striving For Something More in Your Partnership? The Main Thing You Both Need to do to Build a Strong Marriage
Is Your Marriage Struggling or Are You Working Together to Live Out God’s Calling For Your Family? Build a Strong Marriage and Work in the Partnership God Created Marriage to be
Grow Your Marriage and Connect the Way God Intended with These 3 Tips!
Next Steps:
Get your voice featured on Restored Mama and have a question answered on air!: SpeakPipe
Restored Mama Method Program: Restored Mama Method
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Interested in Taking Cara Babies so you and your baby can finally get some sleep? Check it out here!
Stef Gass and her amazing business things for mamas with a business!
Clarify Your Calling
Podcast Pro University
Podcast to Profit
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Hey Mama!
Is your marriage what you dream of it being? Maybe you are struggling, wondering if your marriage is going to make it through this season. Or maybe you are just living each day wondering if this is all there is to your marriage.
These three tips can help you communicate more effectively and grow stronger in your relationship in ways you have only dreamed! We have seen amazing growth in our marriage because of it and you will too.
Things aren’t going to change over night, it will take time and persistence in your fight for your marriage from both of you for you to start to see change, but the more you persist, the more you pray, the more you will start to see those little changes happen, then, soon, those small changes will grow into big changes. And before you know it, your marriage is stronger than you could imagine and you are doing mighty things for God TOGETHER!
Restored Mama is focused on helping moms, but over the next couple weeks, these episodes are for both husbands and wives. So wives out there that are listening, share this episode with your husband, it will benefit you both! The next two weeks are marriage weeks! So don’t tune out, get your spouse to listen to it, and lets work on strengthening that marriage!
Related Episodes:
Marriage Struggles or Striving For Something More in Your Partnership? The Main Thing You Both Need to do to Build a Strong Marriage
Is Your Marriage Struggling or Are You Working Together to Live Out God’s Calling For Your Family? Build a Strong Marriage and Work in the Partnership God Created Marriage to be
To learn more about the Love and Respect course we talked about click here!
Next Steps:
Get your voice featured on Restored Mama and have a question answered on air!: SpeakPipe
Restored Mama Method Program: Restored Mama Method
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Interested in Taking Cara Babies so you and your baby can finally get some sleep? Check it out here!
Stef Gass and her amazing business things for mamas with a business!
Clarify Your Calling
Podcast Pro University
Podcast to Profit
Restored Mama Method
From overwhelmed with no time, to find rest and be a mindful mom - Get your JOY back!
Life is meant to be truly lived! Being a mindful mom means to be fully present in all those moments through the day. To actually LIVE in the moment, love your life (in every season). Your attitude will be peaceful, less yelling and frustration, you will live more intentional, and have time in the day to do what you love!
"Mindful: focusing one's awareness on the present moment." -Oxford Dictionary