Restored Mama - Boundaries, Burnout, Marriage, Motherhood, Biblical Mindset, Overwhelmed, Anxiety, Depression, Priorities

Take a God centered approach to marriage and motherhood. Find freedom and joy in your life the way God intended and live a fulfilled life! Are you depressed? Filled with anxiety? Stressed and overwhelmed...dealing with overwhelm that seems to never end...Mom life can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be! Learn to find joy in your home and be the mom and wife you were called to be!  Are you sick of always feeling overwhelmed in your motherhood? Does it feel like you are just trying to survive day to day until you put your kids to bed? Then connecting with your husband...forget about it! You are just way too tired and irritated to even try. Go from overwhelmed with no time to becoming the mindful mama you dream of. As you listen to Restored Mama, you are going to learn habits to bring ease in your day and find God centered prioritizations so you can go to bed feeling accomplished and loving life again! You will find solutions to bring peace and joy back to what may feel like chaos. It is my mission to help you find joy and fulfillment in your daily life as a mom, wife, and child of God. You can wake up refreshed and excited for each day without feeling drained and stretched thin. It is possible! When God speaks of restoration, it is always in abundance, and when restored, it is better than how it started. God promised us a better life and a better future for us and our families. Learn to live life how God intended from the start. Find out who He has created you to be, and thrive in your calling! Find that passion ignited in your marriage that you thought was over, and find fulfillment in your motherhood instead of frustration. I’m Jen. A wife, mom, and child of God. I spent six years as a single mom, then married, became a step mom blending our families. I struggled to keep my sanity and I looked to everything and everyone else to avoid the feeling of failure and uncertainty. God showed me there was a better way to live. Using structure, organization, and restoring my mind while putting Christ at the center, I was able to bring joy and peace into my home and family. Restoration is possible for you too, Mama! Wherever you are starting from, if you are ready to find joy, freedom, and your sanity once again (or for the first time ever) along with getting back to the root of who God created you to be, this podcast is for you! Find laughter and fun to replace the stress and frustration with your kiddos as you join me for real mom talk. So warm up that cold coffee and kick up your feet! You deserve a break! Community = Connect = Website = Restored Mama Method =

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Wednesday Apr 19, 2023

Hey Mama!
Tomorrow is our anniversary! I spent 6 years as a single mom, feeling like that would be my life forever, but still having hope that God had something else planned. Enter in my sexy man! He was totally worth the wait.
If you are in the season of hoping for that life partner to come your way, don't stop hoping. If you are in the season of not enjoying the life partner you have, find a reason to enjoy him. Or maybe you just adore your spouse but are always wanting to grow in your relationship. I want to celebrate my anniversary with you by talking about that partnership. 
We are talking about growing on your own so you can grow together. Marriage is a partnership. How can you be an effective partner if you don’t even know what you can contribute? Or how your contribution can better things, whether it’s in a marriage, a friendship, or a business partnership? To be a great partner, you need to be great on your own. 
Check out Ditch The Overwhelm course that launched this week! For this week only you can use the code LAUNCHWEEK and get 10% off to celebrate the launch with me! 
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Get your voice featured on Restored Mama and have a question answered on air!: SpeakPipe
Restored Mama Method Program: Restored Mama Method
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Interested in Taking Cara Babies so you and your baby can finally get some sleep? Check it out here!
Stef Gass and her amazing business things for mamas with a business!
Clarify Your Calling
Podcast Pro University
Podcast to Profit

Monday Apr 17, 2023

Hey Mama!
Do you wish there was enough time in your day to get everything done without being so worn out by the end of the day you can’t enjoy your family, all while knowing you are walking in the call God has placed on your life?
I know what it feels like to be so spread thin and go to bed feeling like I was constantly going all day long but accomplished nothing. I was completely worn out with a to-do list that kept expanding and my fuse was continuously short with my kids. I couldn’t end the cycle.
Imagine if you had a way to get everything done on your to do list, had the energy to enjoy your time, all while being confident you were walking the call God has placed on your life! 
Check out Ditch The Overwhelm course that launches today! For this week only you can use the code LAUNCHWEEK and get 10% off!
Listen as we dive in to learn two simple things you can do to add hours to your day that you can start today. 
Next Steps:
Get your voice featured on Restored Mama and have a question answered on air!: SpeakPipe
Restored Mama Method Program: Restored Mama Method
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Book your coaching call today: Restored Mama Coaching
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Interested in Taking Cara Babies so you and your baby can finally get some sleep? Check it out here!
Stef Gass and her amazing business things for mamas with a business!
Clarify Your Calling
Podcast Pro University
Podcast to Profit

Wednesday Apr 12, 2023

Hey Mama!
Don't forget to join the facebook community to be entered in to the raffle for 50% off of the course Ditch The Overwhelm, mama! This is the last week!
Are you feeling drained in life? Feeling isolated and alone even if you have people around you? I have a real treat for you today. I don’t have many guests on here but when I do, it’s because it is someone that I know and trust and believe can give you some amazing wisdom.
Today, Cheyanne from The Energized Mama podcast all the way over in Belgium is here to talk to us today about being drained in life and feeling isolated and alone. She is bringing you 3 D’s to help you feel less exhausted, less isolated and full of energy! And who better than the mama of the podcast that is all about energy! The last D is so powerful and the Holy Spirit was definitely speaking through Cheyanne so make sure you hang on to the end!
Check out Cheyanne's podcast here! Want to check out her Energized Mama facebook community? Here's the link!
Next Steps:
Get your voice featured on Restored Mama and have a question answered on air!: SpeakPipe
Restored Mama Method Program: Restored Mama Method
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Book your coaching call today: Restored Mama Coaching
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My favorite things:
Interested in Taking Cara Babies so you and your baby can finally get some sleep? Check it out here!
Stef Gass and her amazing business things for mamas with a business!
Clarify Your Calling
Podcast Pro University
Podcast to Profit

Monday Apr 10, 2023

Hey Mama!
Do you feel like you don’t have time to manage your time? You think working faster will pay off and the faster you go the more you will get done. Being busy doesn’t mean you’re being productive. In fact, busyness can actually be a hindrance to productivity. Don’t wear the crown of being busy proudly. The busier you are the less productive you are probably being. 
Making time for time management is like using a wish to ask for more wishes. You are using up a wish, but getting a whole lot more in return. You will be using up some time that it doesn’t seem like you can spare, but you will get a whole lot more time in return. Learning time management will make your life easier and more productive for years to come and help you add more hours in your day to do what you love. To do what you are passionate about, to spend more time with your kids, to do what God has called you to do. To spend more time figuring out the calling God has on your life.
You have to make time to plan, make time to manage your time effectively if you want to be productive. Hold on to your coffee tight! You are going to need it today!
Don't forget to join the facebook community to be entered in to the raffle for 50% off of the course Ditch The Overwhelm, mama!
Next Steps:
Get your voice featured on Restored Mama and have a question answered on air!: SpeakPipe
Restored Mama Method Program: Restored Mama Method
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Book your coaching call today: Restored Mama Coaching
Check out the updates on our nonprofit:
My favorite things:
Interested in Taking Cara Babies so you and your baby can finally get some sleep? Check it out here!
Stef Gass and her amazing business things for mamas with a business!
Clarify Your Calling
Podcast Pro University
Podcast to Profit

Wednesday Apr 05, 2023

Hey Mama!
Life throws us curveballs all the time. Are you prepared when something big happens that tries to knock you off your feet? Do you fall and crumble or do you have a plan to get right back up and tackle the derailment like the amazing mama you are?
It’s really difficult to navigate all the roles and responsibilities we have as moms, a lot of us are working in addition to all the mom and wife things we are responsible for. So what happens when you are juggling all the things, and balls keep getting dropped, you can’t even keep up with normal life then something unexpected happens?Are you prepared or are you totally thrown off and life that was holding on by thread comes crashing down around you?
Listen for 8 tips that can help both to prepare for the derailment that is sure to happen, and how to manage it when it does! 
P.S. Check out the episode I recorded with Kari Davis and her podcast here! 
Next Steps:
Get your voice featured on Restored Mama and have a question answered on air!: SpeakPipe
Restored Mama Method Program: Restored Mama Method
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Book your coaching call today: Restored Mama Coaching
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My favorite things:
Interested in Taking Cara Babies so you and your baby can finally get some sleep? Check it out here!
Stef Gass and her amazing business things for mamas with a business!
Clarify Your Calling
Podcast Pro University
Podcast to Profit

Monday Apr 03, 2023

Hey Mama!
Are you going though your busy life feeling unfulfilled? Wondering if there is more than this? Unmotivated to get out of bed because you know today is going to be like every other day and you are dreading the empty, overwhelmed, depressed state of mind? Tired of just surviving?
You are right! There is more than just surviving. When you are living out the calling God has placed on your life, you will feel more fulfilled, more energized, and more full than you EVER dreamed possible! Take these three steps and free up time to be able to live out that calling God has given you! There is more to this life and you can be exciting to wake up and tackle the day!
Next Steps:
Get your voice featured on Restored Mama and have a question answered on air!: SpeakPipe
Restored Mama Method Program: Restored Mama Method
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Book your coaching call today: Restored Mama Coaching
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My favorite things:
Interested in Taking Cara Babies so you and your baby can finally get some sleep? Check it out here!
Stef Gass and her amazing business things for mamas with a business!
Clarify Your Calling
Podcast Pro University
Podcast to Profit

Wednesday Mar 29, 2023

Hey Mama!
Are you just coping? Not truly living? Just doing what you have to do and not actually enjoying life like it’s meant to be enjoyed? Or maybe it's even gotten to the point where you are so overwhelmed you are just watching things pile up not knowing how to get out of this? Depression is a horrible state to be in. Whether it’s medical and you are taking medication for it, it is caused by the season of life you are in, or it started many seasons ago and has just continuously gotten worse season by season.
When you get to that point, you begin to just do what you can to cope, whatever it takes to just get through the day. But we don’t want to just get through the day. We want to love life! Go to bed at night content with how the day went and excited to wake up for the day to come. If you have gotten to this point in life, there is hope! There is a way out of it! Those exciting moments that are few and far between can grow! You can really love life again and say goodbye to depression! Let's dive into 3 of the ways to begin to get out of this depressed state of life and find a little more time to actually enjoy life!
Next Steps:
Get your voice featured on Restored Mama and have a question answered on air!: SpeakPipe
Restored Mama Method Program: Restored Mama Method
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Book your coaching call today: Restored Mama Coaching
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My favorite things:
Interested in Taking Cara Babies so you and your baby can finally get some sleep? Check it out here!
Stef Gass and her amazing business things for mamas with a business!
Clarify Your Calling
Podcast Pro University
Podcast to Profit

Monday Mar 27, 2023

Hey Mama!
Are you going through your day to day life, wondering if this is all there is? Doing the same thing day after day, longing for a change? Do you day dream of whisking yourself away just so you can have some free time so you can maybe fill that longing that is deep inside you for something to change? We are called to do amazing things in this life! God had you in mind long before you actually came to be. He has a plan for you, you have a purpose!
If you aren’t living out that calling God has for you, you are going to feel a sort of emptiness, longing for something different. You have a reason that you are here and you will constantly be searching for something to fill that longing inside until you begin to live that out. Do you know what that is? Are you currently living it out or are you struggling to find time to do just the basics of life and keep your kids alive, not leaving any room for anything else? 
Life can get so busy that we ignore or just push down those desires and hopes that are inside of us. Sometimes it is on purpose because we feel so unfulfilled that we keep looking for things to fill that longing inside, and sometimes it’s just the way life has turned out and we have so much on our plate that has just accumulated and we haven’t found functional ways to work through them, so we are constantly busy. Not knowing how to manage all we have to do so we just keep doing. If you want to pursue God’s call on your life it is time to learn how to make time!
Next Steps:
Get your voice featured on Restored Mama and have a question answered on air!: SpeakPipe
Restored Mama Method Program: Restored Mama Method
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Book your coaching call today: Restored Mama Coaching
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My favorite things:
Interested in Taking Cara Babies so you and your baby can finally get some sleep? Check it out here!
Stef Gass and her amazing business things for mamas with a business!
Clarify Your Calling
Podcast Pro University
Podcast to Profit

Wednesday Mar 22, 2023

Hey Mama!
Do you struggle with depression? Anxiety? Do they seem to dominate your emotions, thoughts, and actions? It’s all too common as a busy mom to get to this point. Maybe there were life circumstances that drove you to this place, or maybe it has just happened over time and one day you woke up wondering what happened.
We can get caught up in just doing what we have to do because we have what seems like endless responsibilities, and we forget to actually enjoy life! Going day to day without enjoying life and finding reasons to truly, I mean, TRULY have fun is destined to lead us to a depressed and anxiety ridden state. Stop the cycle of burnt out mamas! Let’s learn to live full of Joy and laughter!
Join me in this God inspired episode as we celebrate 50 episodes!
Next Steps:
Get your voice featured on Restored Mama and have a question answered on air!: SpeakPipe
Restored Mama Method Program: Restored Mama Method
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Book your coaching call today: Restored Mama Coaching
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My favorite things:
Interested in Taking Cara Babies so you and your baby can finally get some sleep? Check it out here!
Stef Gass and her amazing business things for mamas with a business!
Clarify Your Calling
Podcast Pro University
Podcast to Profit

Monday Mar 20, 2023

Hey Mama!
Life is busy, us moms have so much to get done, and it’s easy to use the television as a way to keep the kids entertained so you can get stuff done. Is this something that has happened in your home? Have you tracked how much time the television is actually on during the day?
When you work from home, homeschool, have multiple kids, it can be difficult to entertain the kids and still get all your responsibilities done. Sometimes we can resort to television. It’s quick, easy, and often gives us uninterrupted time! We can even justify it by saying that it’s educational shows…..but is it really counter acting all the negative effects?
I’m getting real with you mamas today on our television journey. Stay tuned to get an inside look at our home and how television has impacted us. Join me in an electronic fast by emailing me at!
Next Steps:
Get your voice featured on Restored Mama and have a question answered on air!: SpeakPipe
Restored Mama Method Program: Restored Mama Method
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Book your coaching call today: Restored Mama Coaching
Check out the updates on our nonprofit:
My favorite things:
Interested in Taking Cara Babies so you and your baby can finally get some sleep? Check it out here!
Stef Gass and her amazing business things for mamas with a business!
Clarify Your Calling
Podcast Pro University
Podcast to Profit



Restored Mama Method

From overwhelmed with no time, to find rest and be a mindful mom - Get your JOY back!

Life is meant to be truly lived! Being a mindful mom means to be fully present in all those moments through the day. To actually LIVE in the moment, love your life (in every season). Your attitude will be peaceful, less yelling and frustration, you will live more intentional, and have time in the day to do what you love!

"Mindful: focusing one's awareness on the present moment." -Oxford Dictionary

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